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Down to earth and no nonsense birth classes given by midwives

As midwives, we know better than anyone that preparing for childbirth can make a difference. During our pregnancy courses we will prepare you for the birth of your baby in a no nonsense way and with a healthy sense of humor.

A positive birth experience

Your pregnancy is a special but also exciting period of your life. You probably have questions about everything that is yet to come and you can find countless information online, but how do you know what you need to know?

At Bevalwijzer, we believe that realistic expectations of your birth and maternity period will help you make choices that suit you and your situation. You will encounter fewer surprises, which increases the chance that you look back on it with positive feelings.

Our goal is to guide you towards a positive birth and/or maternity experience with the right mix of information, tips, tools and practical knowledge. In addition to the physical aspect, we also focus on the mental aspect during our courses. Because your body is doing it, but your head must also cooperate. This will ensure that you can let go on the big day and have trust in yourself, the process, your baby, your birth partner and your birth team.


Our English spoken pregnancy courses

Our birth classes are given in a practical, down to earth way by experienced midwives. Of course with the necessary sense of humor and a lot of positivity! Because let’s be honest: we have the most beautiful profession in the world, right?

With Bevalwijzer there is always a course that suits you and your situation. Whether it is going to be your first or next delivery and whether you want to follow a birth course on location in a group, privately at your home or online; everything is possible.

“Giving birth with wisdom and with trust in your body, the process, your baby, your birth partner and your birth team.”

Our English spoken birth courses


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